I did mention in my last post that I will share some of my Xmas cards this year. I bought these decoupage papers probably...... 4 years ago in Taiwan. As they are so so SO cute, I kind of want to keep them as they are and have the urge to keep them to myself and not wanting to share them. Since they are in my possession for 4 years now, I thought it was a bit silly just to keep them in the drawer and it is about time that I make good use of them and turn them into pretty cards. These cute nymph like creatures are made by Toread Co., Ltd. from The Netherlands. You can purchase them from http://www.jalekro.com/ or if you search under "Toread decoupage" I am sure you will be able to find an online shop that sells these.
Alright, I shall not keep you waiting any longer. Here are the cards I made this year by using the Toread decoupage papers. Sadly none of these cards are with me any more, as they appear to be quite popular and I sold them all!! (I should be happy that they all found good homes!)
This is Poya
This is Comge
This is Happy
This is Flora
Comge again
And my favourite Kissmas card - Happy and Flora
Luckily I still have a couple of Toread Xmas sheets left and loads of none Xmas Toread decoupage sheets. I am sure I will use them to make cards again (when I can stand the separation!
Have a great day!

Have a great day!