Happy Belated New Year!!
Long time no see! I think I had a long enough holiday from blogging, don't you think?! ^_^ Once I have a little break from blogging, it is so hard to get back into it. I am just being lazy. But now I am picking myself up and I am determined to get back to sharing my creations with you all again! Go!
So for my first card of year 2014, on this blog, I present you a birthday flip card. (I have to warn you, it's loaded with pictures on this post!)
I believe many of you are familiar with flip cards. However, if you've not seen one before here is what it looks like when the card is slightly open by pulling towards the left.
As you pull towards the left the rectangular card in the middle flips over to the other side to reveal another image. Isn't this clever?! Just loving it!
Here are a couple of close-up photos.
Stamped image at the front: Cats making cake |
Stamped image when it flips to the other side: Ta da! Here is the cake! |
I absolutely love this card and it is on its way already to a good friend of mine in Taiwan. Just hope it will arrive in time for her birthday. Finally, for an extra treat, here is a short video showing the card in action. This will give you a better idea on how the flip card works.
I hope you enjoyed this post and I promise I will be back very soon!
- Crafts 4 Eternity #160- Tic Tac Toe: I picked the middle column Washi Tape, Buttons and Glitter.
- Pixies Snippets Playground Week 109: Back to have fun at the playground with my snippets.
Edited: I am the Top 3 Winner at crafts 4 eternity.