Hope you all had a good day today. The weather is still cold here in the UK. Can't see any sign of spring yet. Apparently it will get colder as the days go by this week and we might even see some more snow. That just gets a bit boring now! I've seen snow already this year, maybe a bit of green and warmth will be better.

Today I want to show you my CAS card. I don't do Clean And Simple often. This is something that I should really learn to do more. So here is the card.
The CFC90: Black & White plus one colour challenge at CAS-ual Fridays sounds fun so I decided to have a go. Then I came cross this other blog- CAS(E) this Sketch! and love the look of their sketch on challenge #15:
CAS(E) this Sketch! #15
So I combined the two challenges for this card. (Oh dear~ I'm too late to enter CAS(E) this Sketch! this time!!
I'll be quick next time!)

Here is the side shot of the card. It was such fun to make the clapper board again. It reminds me of my wedding day. Me and my husband love films. We actually made similar clapper boards, like this one, as the place name cards for all our guests. I remembered that we were still folding, colouring and sticking these little cards the night before our wedding day.
And here is a close up shot of the clapper board. I used a white gel pen to draw the lines on the board and die cut the large star and added a little punched glittered star at the bottom corner. As for the sentiment... I wrote it by hand! Hope it doesn't look too bad.
It took me a while to get used to the large white empty space. Even my daughter asked me "What are you going to put on that white area, mummy?" I guess this is not my usual style but I may start to like it!!
Enjoy the rest of your week and hope I'll be back blogging soon!