I have been too busy to start with my new blog. I should really start working on it! ^_^
Anyway, as this is a great news and I just had to come and tell you all. Elzybells' new stamps have been released today! There are 6 clear sets and 14 rubber stamps. They are so cute and these stamps are so versatile. Also those sentiments are very humorous, it surely will make the recipients laugh. My favourite set got to be "Hey cupcake", you can create your own cake for birthday card, for congratulation card, for any occasion. Have to get them!
Go and check it out yourself, you will love it! http://www.elzybells.co.uk/
太忙了, 都還沒真正開始這個新的Blog。真的該好好加油! ^_^
但先要告知一個好消息,Elzybells的新印章今天出來嘍!總共有6組透明章,14個橡膠章。通通都好可愛而且有多方面的用途。還有那些用語、祝賀詞都很幽默,一定會讓收到卡片的人會心一笑。我最愛的就是"Hey cupcake"那一套, 可以"做"自己喜歡的生日蛋糕、祝賀蛋糕、或任何節日都可以的吃的蛋糕卡片。一定要去買!
自己去瞧瞧吧,你一定也會喜歡的! http://www.elzybells.co.uk/
New 4-for-1 Card Technique! + FREE Gift
6 days ago